Adaptation of existing products, or creating new ones to meet your requirements.


AATi (Antislip Antiwear Treads International) formed in 1984 and adopted the traditional London Underground cast stair tread designs, which have been an enduring and very effective feature on the UK rail network for over 50 years. The company has developed the product range to encompass current regulations in modern stairway design, also focusing on uses outside the traditional markets; light rail, over-ground,station terminals and a wide range of commercial and architectural applications. All products are designed and manufactured in the UK.

An AATi product CAD drawing

Why AATi

Functionally unsurpassed, all designs include a cast profile with encapsulated silicon carbide in the wearing surface. This ensures the pedestrian has the very best antislip foot contact on the stairway, both at initial contact and as full body load is put on to and leaves the step.

Casting the profile means that product design features are not constrained by the extrusion process and therefore standard or bespoke features can be designed into a final product, often with the benefit of 3D CAD visualisation. These two facts above allow a unique product to be developed with an architecturally functional and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Over 100 current designs for different applications exist. Furthermore clients and their architects are welcomed to take part in this continuing research and design development procedure.

Also an increasing number of retail stores and corporate businesses are requesting logos to be cast in to their stair nosing profile for individualised identity.

An AATi product CAD drawing

AATi products can save you money

When looking at the ‘whole-of-life’ product philosophy, the wide range of AATi designs, made in four different materials, ensures that there is a competitive and excellently matched product for every stairway application. Cost justification is easily made due to the relative longevity of AATi products, compared to competing extruded products. Depending on footfall levels, depreciation costs and allowances for refitting, this results in AATi being the selected option time after time. Product selection must always take into consideration health and safety, contractor issues, passenger disruption, and service downtime.

AATi product safety

Taking into consideration statutory requirements and client design requests, AATi still applies its stringent design guidelines to all product applications. Many applications in the London area in particular are now showing such products still being in place in high footfall areas for well over 40 years, but still functioning adequately despite heavy wear and still at optimum safety levels.

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