The Kings Cross Triplets also known as Gas Holders 10, 11 & 12 were originally built between 1860-1867. They were constructed to store the local town gas for the St Pancras Gasworks which was the largest gasworks in London.
The frames were joined by a common spine of cylindrical Cast Iron Columns hence the triplets reference.
The gasworks was decommissioned in the late 20th century and the Triplets have now been restored and currently reside in their new home north of Regents Canal, facilitating new studio apartments.
For the new renovation, it would have been a shame not to include any cast metal components, which have been deeply imbedded into London’s habitat over the years. AATi were on hand to deliver Cast Gunmetal SN30/60 anti-slip stair nosings along with curved Gunmetal anti-slip Floor Plates as pictured right. These Floor Plates suit the external radius of the Gas Holder Triplets and include secret fixings enabling them to be cast into the concrete substrate without displaying any visible accessories.
Check out AATi’s further completed works around Kings Cross area including – Coal Drops Yard, R7 and Fish & Coal Buildings.
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