Warren Lewis, Managing Director, Cosy ClubI found AATi to be both eager to help and as enthusiastic about your products as we were and willing to go the extra mile in order for us to get our delivery and complete our fit out on time. The finished product looks great I think you'll agree!’
Michael Sager-Wilde, Managing Director, Sager + WildeWhen building our Bar at Mission we wanted to achieve a unique look and finish to the bar top. Inspired by being located under a railway arch in Bethnal Green, we realised that the solution was right by our own footstep. The TFL nosings are a London staple used on all stations and carry a beautiful re-purposed connotation to a point which most people will ask: “I’ve seen this before, but WHERE?”. That is great because it makes people think and remember you. We chose to use AATi Antislip nosings for our bar top for two reasons: 1. It will last forever and age gracefully and 2. To make people remember our bar.